(+39) 380 1478539
Clinical Psychologist, EMDR Europe Practitioner & Researcher
York University (Canada) & Edinburgh University (UK)

Eating Disorders


People who suffer from binge eating disorder show compulsive overeating in which people consume huge amounts of food while feeling out of control and powerless to stop. A binge eating episode typically lasts around two hours, but some people binge on and off all day long. Binge eaters often eat even when they’re not hungry and continue eating long after they’re full. Typical symptoms of binge eating disorder are: frequent episodes of uncontrollable binge eating, feeling extremely distressed or upset during or after bingeing.

Binge eaters, unlike bulimia, do not attempt compensate the binges through vomiting, fasting, or over-exercising. People with binge eating disorder struggle with feelings of guilt, disgust, inadequacy, anxiety and depression. They worry about what the compulsive eating will do to their bodies and beat themselves up for their lack of self-control. They desperately want to stop binge eating, but feel powerless.

Other eating disoders

how to find me

Health Centre Boschetto, Viale Veneto 43/c Tel. +39 0541.660796 Cell: +39 380.1478539
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Private Practice Via Mura Giardino Pubblico, 5 Cell: +39 380.1478539
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e-mail: info@alessiabruno.it - Cell: +39 380.1478539 - Skype: dr.alessia.bruno

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