(+39) 380 1478539
Clinical Psychologist, EMDR Europe Practitioner & Researcher
York University (Canada) & Edinburgh University (UK)

Developmental Disorders

Oppositional Defiant Disorder

Oppositional Defiant Disorder is a childhood disorder that is characterized by negative, defiant, and hostile behavior toward adults and authority figures primarily. In order to be diagnosed, the behaviors must occur for at least a period of 6 months.  Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD) is characterized by the frequent occurrence of at least four of the following behaviors: losing temper, arguing with adults or refusing to comply with the requests or rules of adults, deliberately doing things that will annoy other people, blaming others for his or her own mistakes or misbehavior, being touchy or easily annoyed by others, being angry and resentful, or being spiteful or vindictive. 

Negativistic and defiant behaviors are expressed by persistent stubbornness, resistance to directions, and unwillingness to compromise, give in, or negotiate with adults or peers. Defiance may also include deliberate or persistent testing of limits, usually by ignoring orders, arguing, and failing to accept blame for misdeeds.
Manifestations of the disorder are almost invariably present in the home setting, but may not be evident at school or in the community.

Other Developmental Disorders

how to find me

Health Centre Boschetto, Viale Veneto 43/c Tel. +39 0541.660796 Cell: +39 380.1478539
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Private Practice Via Mura Giardino Pubblico, 5 Cell: +39 380.1478539
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e-mail: info@alessiabruno.it - Cell: +39 380.1478539 - Skype: dr.alessia.bruno

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